Conditional clauses with "wenn"

The conjunction wenn often introduces a conditional subordinate clause. As a rule, the subordinate clause cannot stand alone as its meaning depends on the main clause. A conditional subordinate clause stipulates a condition. The main clause describes the result or consequence.

Condition: Wenn Sie eine Frage haben, ...

Result: ... (dann) drücken Sie die Drei.

You can use the word dann in the main clause but you don't have to. You can also say:

Wenn Sie eine Frage haben, drücken Sie die Drei.

You can begin with the main clause. Then you don't need the word dann.

Drücken Sie die Drei, wenn Sie eine Frage haben.


Grammatical terms in German:

die Konjunktion: Conjunctions link sentences or clauses together. There are two types of conjunctions:

1. Conjunctions linking two sentences or clauses of equal ordination, e.g., und, oder, aber. These are called coordinating conjunctions.

2. Conjunctions linking subordinate clauses to superordinate clauses, e.g., weil, dass, wenn. These are called subordinating conjunctions.